Vienna Climate Action Tech Meetup #2

Join us if you'd like to talk about climate and tech.

The internet – as it exists today – is very power hungry and significant parts of it are powered by fossil fuels. Let's talk about ways to make it more sustainable. Beyond that we'll explore how the tech community can drive change and accelerate climate action.

Where: Kununu, Schottenring 2-6, 1010 Wien

When: 21.5. – 19:00

Let us know if you're coming:


Petra Morawa-Zechner: Green UX

Die Digitalisierung bietet in Bezug auf den Klimawandel viele Chancen, gleichzeitig wirkt sie in einigen Bereichen auch als Problemverstärker. Der Vortrag erklärt, warum es bei der Konzeption, dem Design und der Entwicklung von digitalen Produkten wichtig ist, auch deren Energieeffizienz im Auge zu behalten und liefert Antworten auf die Frage, ob umweltfreundlichere Anwendungen auch zu besserer User Experience führen.

Michaela Stiefmann: Navigating Carbon Footprints – IT's Role in Tackling Climate Reporting Hurdles

More and more companies are committing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Regulatory requirements, data gaps, comparability, consistency … – the list of challenges is long when it comes to monitoring and reporting on carbon emissions. Software and IT infrastructure plays an integral part of facilitating effective monitoring processes. Let’s dive into how corporate and product carbon footprints are calculated and the main challenges currently faced – all while keeping our IT goggles on.